Dar es Salam Tanzania +255 687 879 494/ +255 766 735 640
Nurunjema Nursery Image

Mr. Boniphace Matiku
Head Teacher, Nurunjema Primary

At our school, we believe in fostering well-rounded individuals. We ignite a passion for learning by offering a challenging and engaging academic curriculum that empowers students to excel. But education goes beyond textbooks, we also provide a vibrant array of extracurricular activities that cater to a wide range of interests, from competitive athletics and theatrical productions to exciting expeditions.

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About Nurunjema Primary

The Primary School is located at Nyakasangwe Village and provides a first rate all round education for the children of Dar es Salaam for day school and Tanzania as a whole for boarding school. At our school, we believe in fostering a love of learning that empowers each child to reach their full potential. Specialist teachers, combined with our exceptional facilities like science lab, an ICT room, and a well-stocked library, create a rich learning environment where all subjects are valued equally. This comprehensive approach ensures a broad education that ignites curiosity and equips students for success in all areas.

Beyond academics, we nurture students' talents and interests, providing them with opportunities to shine outside the classroom. These formative primary school years are crucial for cultivating important life skills. We foster a spirit of collaboration and teamwork while also encouraging responsible independence. Nurunjema Primary School takes immense pride in its well-rounded education, offering exceptional academics, top-notch pastoral care, a strong emphasis on sports and the arts, and a vibrant extracurricular program. We strive to develop students who excel not just in the classroom, but also as individuals ready to contribute meaningfully to the world.

Comprehensive Curriculum

At Nurunjema Primary School, we believe in nurturing the whole child. While we provide a rigorous academic program that rivals top city schools, our commitment extends far beyond textbooks. We understand the importance of fostering a love for learning that goes beyond the classroom. That's why we offer a vibrant extracurricular program bursting with opportunities for students to explore their talents and interests. Whether it's drama productions, or competitive sports teams, there's something for every inquisitive mind and adventurous spirit.

The Primary School isn't just about academic excellence; it's about preparing well-rounded individuals for success in a dynamic world. With exceptional academics, top-notch pastoral care, a strong emphasis on physical activity, creative expression, and a diverse extracurricular program, we equip our students with the skills, confidence, and passion to thrive in the years to come.

From day one, our passionate specialist teachers ignite a love of learning in our students. Their expertise and enthusiasm for their subjects create a vibrant learning environment. We believe that specialized instruction, combined with access to top-notch resources in dedicated facilities, is key to unlocking each student's full potential.

We embrace a variety of teaching and learning styles, catering to diverse student needs and preferences. This ensures a truly personalized learning experience that empowers students to succeed. Beyond academics, we recognize and nurture the unique talents, abilities, and aptitudes of each student. We strive to foster their growth in all aspects – spiritually, morally, socially, and culturally. Our curriculum, including personal, social and health education, reflects this commitment and aligns perfectly with the school's core values. We go beyond the classroom walls, inspiring a lifelong love of learning. Our goal is to cultivate curious and engaged students who are eager to explore knowledge independently. With successful teaching and learning strategies, we empower our students to become lifelong learners who are well-equipped to succeed in a rapidly evolving world.

Extracurricular Activities

Music and Drama

At Nurunjema Primary School creative arts form a very important part of life . In addition to the many opportunities for performance work within lessons such as English, Music and Drama, our pupils are given many chances to perform in public, both formally and informally.

Each year group takes part in a major production at least once a year. Pupils usually perform at the different events such as graduations, which offers such wonderful opportunities for our younger pupils to be involved in music and drama and to perform in front of parents and other guests.

Pupils produce a full scale musical which forms part of their Music and Drama curriculum, and draws on all the theatre skills they have developed over their time with us. Throughout the year, there are many performance opportunities for these musicians, including form concerts, graduations, Friday assemblies and our annual school concert in which all members of the school take part.

Nurunjema Nursery Image


Nurunjema School fosters a love of music through its vibrant band program, even welcoming enthusiastic youngsters from Nursery School. This early exposure to music lays a strong foundation for future musical endeavors. In the band, children explore a variety of instruments like the recorder, xylophone, and drums, learning basic music theory and ensemble playing. This not only ignites a passion for music but also cultivates valuable skills. Band participation strengthens teamwork and communication as children learn to listen to each other and play in harmony. It also boosts self-confidence as they master new skills and perform for an audience.

Nurunjema Nursery Image

Our Modern Facilities

Spacious Classroom
Spacious Classrooms
Well-Stocked Library
Well-Stocked Library
Music Room
Modern Computer Lab
Modern School Buses
Expansive Playground
Flower Beds
Well-Equipped Science Lab
Creative Art Room
Established Toilets
Music Room
Good Reading Packs
Music Room
Music Room

Nurunjema boasts modern facilities that support a well-rounded education, nurturing the intellectual, creative, social, and physical development of our students. We believe in providing a stimulating learning environment that fosters a lifelong love of learning.