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Haidary Baruti
Head Teacher, Nurunjema Secondary

At Nurunjema Secondary School, a deep sense of pride resonates not just in our hearts, but also in the achievements of our students. We are a place where tradition meets transformation. We honor our rich academic heritage while embracing an innovative spirit. This forward-thinking approach ensures our students are equipped with not just the knowledge to excel, but also the skills to thrive in an ever-changing world. Our curriculum goes beyond rote memorization and standardized tests. It's a dynamic tapestry woven with project-based learning, critical thinking exercises, and opportunities for collaboration. We nurture creative problem-solvers, confident communicators, and critical thinkers who are not afraid to ask questions and explore new ideas.

Nurunjema primary Image

About Nurunjema Secondary

Since opening its doors in 2024, Nurunjema Secondary School has embraced a philosophy of continuous growth and innovation. Our state-of-the-art facilities reflect this commitment, providing an exceptional learning environment for our students.The impressive new teaching block, completed recently, boasts over 50 modern classrooms, each designed to foster a love of learning. The iconic Rouse Library, a haven for bookworms, offers a vast collection of resources to ignite curiosity and support academic exploration.

The dedication to continuous improvement doesn't stop there. Our recently extended education center houses a cutting-edge ICT suite, empowering students with the technological skills needed for the 21st century. Furthermore, we are currently constructing a new teaching block that will serve as the foundation for our future high school, ensuring a seamless educational journey for our students.

Nurunjema schools isn't just about exceptional facilities; it's about the holistic development of our students. We take pride in the quality of our pastoral care, academic programs, and extracurricular offerings. This commitment is reflected in our outstanding record of success in NECTA examinations, a testament to the hard work and dedication of both our students and our dedicated staff.

Comprehensive Curriculum

At Nurunjema Secondary School, the curriculum isn't just a set of subjects; it's the beating heart of our learning environment. We believe in a broad and diverse program that stretches the minds of even our brightest students. It's a challenging and stimulating blend of core subjects and electives, all meticulously crafted to prepare our students for a thriving future.

Our curriculum offers something for every learner. We ensure a healthy balance between rigorous academics and enjoyable learning experiences. We understand that the pace of learning quickens in secondary school, so we provide the support and guidance students need to not only keep up but also excel. This includes fostering a sense of ownership for their education. As students progress through the grades, they are increasingly empowered to take responsibility for their studies and academic progress.

While a strong foundation in core subjects is essential, we also recognize the importance of individual interests. In Form Three, all students delve into a rigorous curriculum encompassing seven core subjects. Beyond these core subjects, students are empowered to personalize their learning journey by choosing three additional elective subjects. This allows them to explore their passions, discover hidden talents, and develop a deeper understanding of subjects that pique their curiosity.

Our curriculum isn't static – it's constantly evolving to keep pace with the changing world and the latest educational trends. We incorporate real-world applications into our lessons, ensuring students understand the relevance of their studies. Furthermore, we encourage interdisciplinary learning, fostering connections between different subjects and helping students see the bigger picture. By offering a rich tapestry of learning opportunities, Our Secondary School empowers students to become not just well-rounded individuals but also critical thinkers, effective communicators, and lifelong learners. We equip them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to thrive in university, embark on fulfilling careers, and make a positive impact on the world.

The table above shows the main subjects in the curriculum for Form I – Form IV
Compulsary Subjects Optional Subjects
Mathematics Agriculture
English Physics
History French
Commerce and Book Keeping